Basis | Equity | Debt |
Meaning | Equity is a type of source of finance issued against ownership of the company and share in profits. | Debt is a type of source of finance issued with a fixed interest rate and a fixed tenure. |
Time Span | Equity capital is issued comparatively for a longer time horizon. | Debt capital is issued for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. |
Returns | The rate of return in equity capital is not fixed. It depends upon the earnings of the company. | Debt capital has a fixed rate of interest, and the entire amount is repayable. |
Security | Equity capital is unsecured since ownership is provided instead of security. | Debt capital can be secured (against an asset) or unsecured. |
Risk | It is riskier because if the company does not earn profits, then returns can be as low as zero. | It is less risky, as interest is provided even in the case of loss and the amount invested can be received back. |
Instruments | Equity shareholders are considered owners of the company. | Debt is considered a lender to the organization. |
Ownership | Ownership gets distributed amongst different shareholders according to their shareholdings. | In debt, ownership is not sacrificed. |
Source | Shares can be issued to the general public and various organizations. | Loans can be taken from banks, and debentures and bonds can be issued to various institutions and the general public. |