[Model Answer QP2020 GS4 Ethics] Discuss the role of ethics and values in enhancing the following three major components of Comprehensive National Power (CNP) viz. human capital, soft power (culture and policies) and social harmony.

Comprehensive National Power (CNP) measures a nation’s overall strength, including its economic, military, technological, diplomatic, and cultural prowess. Hence it is a concept that goes beyond simple economic or military might of a country.
Human Capital

From an ethical perspective, human capital development emphasizes the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. It underlines the importance of equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.

Ethics plays a crucial role in ensuring the creation of a fair and equitable system that does not exploit or discriminate against individuals.
Soft Power

Soft power is a concept in international relations that refers to the ability of a country to persuade others to do what it wants without force or coercion, often through cultural influence, political values, and foreign policies.

From an ethical standpoint, soft power emphasizes the role of moral leadership, transparency, human rights, and respect for international norms and values. The ethical use of soft power involves actions and policies that uphold universal principles of justice, democracy, and human rights.
Social Harmony

Social harmony refers to the peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among the members of a society.

From an ethical perspective, social harmony stresses the importance of tolerance, understanding, and respect for all individuals and groups within a society. It requires that diversity and individual differences be valued and protected, and that all members of a society have equal access to resources and opportunities.
CNP in the context of India
1. Human Capital: India has a demographic advantage of Young population and the national education policy 2020 focusses on equal opportunities for all as well as fair and equitable system.

2. Soft Power: In terms of democratic values and foreign policy, India’s longstanding commitment to non-alignment, peaceful resolution of disputes, and democratic governance has also contributed to its soft power. Culturally, recognition and adoption of yoga worldwide. Vaccine Maitri initiative, is another example of how its policies have enhanced its image as a responsible global player.

3. Social Harmony: India’s diversity is one of its defining characteristics, and maintaining social harmony among its myriad religious, linguistic, and ethnic groups is both a challenge and an opportunity.

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