[Model Answer QP2022 GS1] Discuss the natural resource potentials of “Deccan Trap”.

1. Deccan trap regions of India are large igneous provinces in western part of India that have undergone fissure type flood basaltic volcanic eruptions. 
2. These eruptions occurred when the Indian plate moved over the Reunion hotspot 150 million years ago during the Cretaceous period.
3. The region occupies approx. 500,000 sq km area in India. 
4. The Deccan Trap covers a significant part of western peninsular India, in states of Maharashtra, Goa, North Karnataka and North Telangana. The trap also covers the entire Satpuras, parts of Vindhyas, Malwa and Chotanagpur.

Resource Potential of “Deccan Trap”

1. Building Materials: The Deccan Traps rocks are used extensively as building stone. Basalt rock used as road metal. Also Used as aggregate in cement concrete.
2. Soil: The Black soil formed over the Deccan trap is a rich soil particularly suitable for raising cotton.
3. Bauxite: It is rich enough in alumina to be high grade bauxite. Bauxite is useful in Petroleum filtration and in the manufacture of aluminum and alumina cements.
4. Groundwater: The vesicular parts of bedded lavas make good aquifers and yield fair supplies of underground water.
5. Oil and Natural Gas: Recently, the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) has noticed the presence of oil and natural gas in the Deccan region that spreads over a vast area including parts of Telangana, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
6. Important Minerals: Minerals such as Zeolites, Olivines and Pyroxenes are present in these regions. Also the region has uranium deposits. 
7. Rare earth elements: Lithium deposits are found in areas of Maharashtra and karnataka.
8. Fossils: The Deccan Traps are famous for the beds of fossils that have been found between layers of lava. Particularly well known species include the frog Oxyglossus pusillus (Owen) of the Eocene of India.

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