[Model Answer QP2022 GS4 Ethics] “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel that there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are father, mother and teacher”. – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Father, mother & teacher plays an important role in imbibing values in the formative year of a child.

Role of mother:

Mother plays a vital role in developing values like honesty ,empathy, truthfulness and compassion towards others. 
Example1: Mahatma Gandhi’s mother Putli Bai used to tell him the story of Raja Harishchandra. Now we know Gandhi as the biggest promoter of truth.
Example2: Mother of Chatrapati Shivaji, jija bai used to tell the stories of bravery to him. She prepared him psychologically for the battles he is going to face in future

Role of father:

 Father is the first role model of every child. We used to be the shadow of our father. We followed his bad & good habits.

Example1: Sachin’s father used to tell him that before becoming a good cricketer you should become a good person. This quality we see in him throughout his cricket journey & Life.
Example2: Guru Teg Bahadur ji, set a great example for his son guru gobind singh ji by sacrificing his life. Same traits we saw in guru gobind singh ji who sacrificed his whole family for the fight in good against evil

Role of Teacher:

Teachers play a vital role in stoking curiosity in a child, fostering his creative ability and bringing out latent talent and passions. Teachers also play an important role in imbibing discipline and regulating the child’s interpersonal interaction with peers.
Example1: Ramkrishna Paramhansa was spiritual teacher of Swami Vivekananda and he transformed the character of vivekananda by his teaching.

Corruption is the practice of being dishonest towards one’s responsibilities, especially when sitting in a position of authority. It shows a lack of integrity, values & character in a person. To rid the society of corruption, an individual with strong character, strong virtues and impeccable integrity is needed and for this the role of father, mother and teacher is indispensable. They help build the future of a corruption free nation. 

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