Modern History Simplified: Important commission appointed during the British Rule

Important commission appointed during the British Rule
Area of RecommendationCommissionGovernor General/Viceroy at the time
1. Hunter Commission (1882)
2. Raleigh Commission  (1902)
3. Sadler Commission (1917)
4. Hartog Commission (1929)
5. Sargent Plan (1944)

1. Lord Ripon 
2. Lord Curzon
3. Lord Chelmsford
4. Lord Irwin
5. Lord Wavell
1. Campbell Commission (1866)
2. Stratchy Commission (1880)
3. Lyall Commission (1886)
4. MacDonnell Commission (1901)

1. Sir John Lawrence
2. Lord Lytton
3. Lord Elgin
4. Lord Curzon
1. Mansfield Commission (1886)
2. Fowler Commission (1898)
3. Babington Smith Commission (1919)
4. Hilton Young Commission (1939)

1. Lord Dufferin
2. Lord Elgin II
3. Lord Chelmsford
4. Lord Linglithgow
1. Peel Commission (1857)
2. Skeen Commission (1925)
3. Sandhurst Commission (1926)
4. Chatfield Commission (1939)

1. Lord Canning
2. Lord Reading
3. Lord Reading
4. Lord Linglithgow
Civil Services
1. Aitchison Commission (1886)
2. Islington Commission (1912)
3. Lee Commission (1923)

1. Lord Dufferin
2. Lord Hardinge
3. Lord Reading 
Relation between the government and the princely statesButler Commission (1928)Lord Irwin
Police Fraser Commission (1902)Lord Curzon
Punjab DisturbancesHunter Commission (1919)Lord Chelmsford
Labour Whitley Commission (1929)Lord Irwin
Unemployment Sapru Commission (1935)Lord Linglithgow
IrrigationScott-Moncrieff Commission (1901)Lord Curzon
Tenancy in BengalFloud Commission (1940)Lord Linglithgow

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