Modern History Simplified: Ring Fence strategy by Warren Hastings

 Ring Fence Strategy
  1. During this period, the British had not become the supreme power of India. Therefore, they could not interfere everywhere nor could claim complete sovereignty over those native rulers who became their allies. Hence the British treated native states as independent states. 
  2. The British claimed no sovereignty over native rulers, treated them as independent, allowed them freedom to manage their internal affairs and also signed treaties with them on equal and reciprocal basis.
  3. What is the Ring Fence Strategy?
    • Introduced by Warren Hastings.
    • The strategy involves protecting their neighbours’ frontiers in order to protect their own lands.
    • For instance, when the threat came from Marathas and Afghan invaders, the Company agreed to organise Awadh’s defence in order to ensure Bengal’s security.
    • Wellesley’s subsidiary alliance policy was an extension of the ring fence policy, which sought to reduce states’ reliance on the British government in India.

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