In 1908, (Parsi Reformer) Shri Behramji Malabari and Diwan Dayaram Gidumal, who were determined to emancipate, educate, and empower those unfortunate women who were treated as outcasts of society formed this organisation.
They founded Seva Sadan Society in 1908 in Mumbai as a refuge where impoverished and oppressed women of all communities could find protection, care, and a home where they could live a life of peace, respect, and dignity.
The organisation spoke vigorously against child marriage and for widow remarriage among Hindus.
B.M. Malbari acquired and edited the Indian Spectator.
It was Malbari’s efforts that led to the Age of Consent Act regulating the age of consent for females.
Seva Sadan also specialised in taking care of those women who were exploited and then discarded by society.